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Shen yue ji - Werken van Shen Yue
auteur / toegeschreven aan: Shen Yue
Deze pagina geeft onder de tab 'Indeling' een overzicht van met name het poëtisch werk van Shen Yue. Ik volg hierbij de Engelse vertaling van Mather 2003. Hij deelt de gedichten in de volgende groepen in:
(1) Vroege gedichten geschreven vóór 487,
(2) Gedichten geschreven tijdens de actieve jaren van de salon van de prins van Jingling (487-493),
(3) Gedichten uit de Tung-yang-periode (493-494),
(4) Gedichten geschreven tijdens de regeerperiodes van keizer Ming (494-498) en de markies van Tung-hun (498-501),
(5) Gedichten geschreven na de oprichting van Liang (502-513),
(6) Religieuze gedichten en Liang-rituele hymnen.
Er zijn in totaal 251 gedichten van Shen Yue overgeleverd (in de telling van Mather)
De belangrijkste oude bloemlezingen waarin gedichten van hem zijn opgenomen zijn
Yutai xinyong (玉臺新詠, Nieuwe zangen van het Jade Terras) uit 540 met 31 werken en
Wen Xuan (文選, Keuze van teksten) door zijn leerling Xiao Tong (蕭統, 501–531) met 13 gedichten.
Historische werken:
Shen Yue was de samensteller van een aantal geschiedeniswerken, waaronder Songshu (宋書, Het boek van de Song, Jinshu (晉書, Het boek van Jin), Qiji (齊紀, de annalen van Qi) en Gaozu ji (高祖紀, Annalen van keizer Gaozu). Verder schreef hij een commentaar op de Bamboe-annalen, een verhandeling over geschriften uit de (Liu) Song-dynastie (Song shi wenzhang zhi, 宋世文章志) en een werk over postume namen en titels. Met uitzondering van de Songshu zijn al deze werken verloren geraakt.
Er zijn ongeveer 190 prozawerken van Shen Yue overgeleverd. Voor een deel gaat het om gelegenheidsproza zoals bepalingen en decreten (zhi, 制) opgesteld in opdracht van de keizers van de Zuidelijke Qi-dynastie (479-502) en van keizer Wu (r.502-549) van de Liang-dynastie. Voor een ander deel gaat het om boeddhistische teksten. Die zijn in de 7e eeuw verzameld door de boeddhistische monnik Daoxuan (道宣, 596-667) in zijn Guang hongming ji (廣弘明集). Het gaat daarbij vooral om memoranda (shu, 疏) en verhandelingen (lun, 論) over onderwerpen als karma, verlichting en de betekenis van mededogen (cibei, 慈悲, bedoeld is karuṇā, Sanskriet: करुणा). (bron wikipedia
© oktober 2024
Indeling tekst
Het overzicht van de gedichten (A) is gebaseerd op de Engelse vertaling van Mather 2003 The Age of Eternal Brilliance - Three Lyric Poets of the yongming era, volume I
Het overzicht van het overig werk (B) is gebaseerd op wikisource.
De Nederlandse vertalingen zijn van Wilt L. idema (zes gedichten)
Wilt L. Idema heeft de volgende gedichten Vertaald:
nr 0a Treurend om mijn overleden echtgenote (Idema p225)
nr 42-43 Nacht aan nacht (Idema 2021 p224)
nr 111 Een droom van de schone (Idema 2021 p226)
nr 112 Zes herinneringen, vier gedichten (Idema 2021 p225
nr 115 Bij het afscheid van Fan Ancheng (idema 2021 p224)
nr 148 Bij het horen van gibbons bij de stroomversnellingen van Stenenvijver (Idema 2021 p225)
A. De gedichten
Gebaseerd op de vertaling van Mather 2003.
0. Enkele gedichten niet in Mather 2003
Enkele gedichten heb ik (nog) niet terug kunnen vinden in de vertaling van Mather:
0a. | 悼往 | Dào wǎng | Treurend om mijn overleden echtgenote (Idema p225) |
0b. | 鍾山詩應西陽王教 | Zhōng shān shī yìng Xīyáng Wáng jiào | Poems on Mt. Chung Written in Response to Instructions of the Prince of Hsi-yang (Mather 1988 p16-19) |
1. De vroege gedichten voor 487
1-5 De vroegste gedichten bestaat uit een groep van vijf gedichten met de titel "Poems on Mt. Chung, Commissioned by the [Liu-Song] Prins Xiyang(Zhōng shān shī yìng Xī Yáng wáng jiào 鐘山詩應西陽王教).
7-9. Gedichten geschreven in aanwezigheid van de kroonprins bij het offerfeest (Libation Banquet): Shì huáng tàizǐ shì diàn yàn(侍皇太子釋奠宴)
10-13. Gedichten geschreven namens de Prins van de Zuidelijke Commanderie, in aanwezigheid van de kroonprins bij het offerfeest: Wèi Nán jùn wáng shì huáng tàizǐ shì diàn yàn (爲南郡王侍皇太子釋奠宴)
1. | 靈山 | Líng shān | This Magic Hill |
2. | 發地 | Fā dì | Springing from Earth |
3. | 即事 | Jí shì | The Actual View Itself |
4. | 息心侶 | Xī xīn lǚ | Companions of the Tranquil Mind |
5. | 君王 | Jūn wáng | My Lord the Prince |
6. | 和左丞疲杲之移病詩 | Hé zuǒ chéng pí Gǎo zhī yí bìng shī | Written in Harmony With a Poem by Left Assistant Yü Kao-chih Requesting Sick Leave |
7. | 尊學 | Zūn xué | To Honor Study |
8. | 復禮 | Fù lǐ | Turn Back to Ritual |
9. | 墜典 | Zhuì diǎn | Forgotten Canons |
10. | 陵季 | Líng jì | As Declining Last Days Plowed |
11. | 瞻震 | Zhān zhèn | Jarpbudvipa and the Land of Cinasthana |
12. | 義重 | Yì zhòng | Morality Gives Weight |
13. | 尊學 | Zūn xué | To Honor Study |
Vertaling Mather 2003 p5-15
2. Gedichten jaren 487-493
Gedichten geschreven tijdens de actieve jaren van de salon van de prins van Ching-ling (487-493). De gedichten nr 14-115.
2.1 Yue-fu gedichten
Gedichten, geschreven in bewuste imitatie van de Han "Muziekbureau"-balladen, vaak met dezelfde titels. Gedichten nrs 14-48.
14. | 日出東南隅行 | Rì chū dōng nán yú xíng | The Ballad of Sunrise in the Southeast Corner |
15. | 昭君辭 | Zhāo Jūn cí | The Lament of Wang Chao-chün |
16-17. | 長歌行二首 | Cháng gē xíng èr shǒu | Two Long Song Ballads |
16. | 連連 | Lien lián | Time After Time |
17. | 春隰 | Chūn xí | On Vernal Wetlands |
18. | 君子行 | Jūn zǐ xíng | The Ballad of the Gentleman |
19. | 從軍行 | Cóng jūn xíng | The Ballad of Marching With the Army |
20. | 豫章行 | Yù zhāng xíng | The Ballad of Yu-chang |
21. | 相逢狹路間 | Xiāng féng xiá lù jiān | Meeting on a Narrow Road |
22. | 長安有狹斜行 | Cháng'ān yǒu xiá xié xíng | The Ballad, In Ch 'ang-an There is Strait Slanting Street |
23. | 擬三婦豔 | Nǐ sān fù yàn | Imitation of The Love of Three Wives |
24. | 江籬生幽渚 | Jiāng lí shēng yōu zhǔ | The River Sedge Grows on a Secret Island |
25. | 卻出東西門行 | Què chū dōng xī mén xíng | Ballad of Going Out Through the East or West Gates |
26. | 飲馬長城窟 | Yǐn mǎ Chángchéng kū | Watering Our Horses in a Water-hole Beneath the Great Wall |
27. | 擬青青河畔草 | Nǐ qīng qīng hé pàn cǎo | In Imitation o f Green, Green the Grass Upon the Riverbank |
28. | 梁甫吟 | Liáng fǔ yín | A Liang-fu Chant |
29. | 君子有所思行 | Jūn zǐ yǒu suǒ sī xíng | Ballad of a Gentleman With Something on his Mind |
30. | 白馬篇 | Bái mǎ piān | The White Horse |
31. | 齊謳行 | Qí wō xíng | A Song of Ch'i |
32. | 前緩聲歌 | Qián huǎn shēng gē | Farmer Song of Languid Music |
33. | 芳樹 | Fāng shù | The Fragrant Tree |
34. | 臨高臺 | Lín gāo tái | Looking Down From a High Terrace |
35. | 洛陽道 | Luòyáng dào | The Streets of Lo-yang |
36. | 江南曲 | Jiāngnán qǔ | A Chiang-nan Air |
37. | 東武吟行 | Dōng wǔ yín xíng | Ballad of the Tung-wu Chant |
38. | 怨歌行 | Yuàn gē xíng | Ballad of the Song of Resentment |
39. | 悲哉歌 | Bēi zāi gē | Ballad of Woe |
40. | 摧手曲 | Cuī shǒu qǔ | A Song of Holding Hands |
41. | 有所思 | Yǒu suǒ sī | There is One I Long For |
42. | 夜夜曲 | Yè yè qǔ | Song of Night After Night (I) Nacht aan nacht (Idema 2021 p224) |
43. | 夜夜曲 | Yè yè qǔ | Song of Night After Night (II) Nacht aan nacht (Idema 2021 p224) |
44. | 釣竿 | Diàogān | The Fishing Rod |
45. | 臨碣石 | Lín qié shí | Looking Down from Stela Rock |
46. | 湘夫人 | Xiāng fūrén | The Lady of the Hsiang River |
47. | 貞子引 | Zhēn zǐ yǐn | Air of the Chaste Woman |
48. | 永明樂 | Yǒngmíng yuè | Music of [the Age of] Eternal Brilliance |
Vertaling Mather 2003 p16-65
2.2 Gedichten voor feestelijke gelegenheden
Gedicht nrs 49-60.
49. | 三日侍鳳光殿曲水宴,應制 | Sān rì shì fèng guāng diàn qǔ shuǐ yàn, yìng zhì | On the Third Day [of the Third Month] While in Attendance [on the Emperor] at the Feast of Curving Waters in the Phoenix Splendor Hall; By Imperial Command |
50. | 三日侍林光殿曲水宴,應制 | Sān rì shì lín guāng diàn qǔ shuǐ yàn, yìng zhì | On the Third Day [of the Third Month] While in Attendance [on the Emperor} at the Feast of Curving Waters in the Forest Splendor Hall; By Imperial Command |
51. | 三月三日率爾成章 | Sān yuè sān rì shuài ěr chéng zhāng | On the Third Day of the Third Month: Composed Extemporaneously |
52. | 上巳華光殿 | Shàng sì huá guāng diàn | [Celebration of] the Primal Ssu in the Hall of Floriate Splendor |
53. | 織女贈牽牛 | Zhīnǚ zèng qiān niú | A Poem Presented by the Weaving Maid to the Herd Boy |
54. | 爲臨川王九日侍太子宴詩 | Wèi lín chuān wáng jiǔ rì shì tài zǐ yàn shī | A Poem Written on Behalf of the Prince of Lin-ch'uan on the Ninth Day [of the Ninth Month); in Attendance on the Crown Prince During a Banquet |
55. | 九日侍宴樂遊苑 | Jiǔ rì shì yàn lè yóu yuàn | On the Ninth Day [of the Ninth Month]; in Attendance [on the Emperor] at a Banquet in the Happy Excursion Park |
56. | 冬節後至丞相第詣世子, 車中作 | Dōng jié hòu zhì chéng xiàng dì yì shì zǐ, chē zhōng zuò | After the Winter Solstice, Arriving at the Mansion of [the Late} Chancellor (Hsiao Ni) to Pay a Visit [of Condolence] to his Heir (Hsiao Lien) Written While in the Carriage |
57. | 侍遊方山,應詔 | Shì yóu fāng shān, yìng zhào | In Attendance [on the Emperor] During an Excursion to Square Mountain; Written on Command |
58. | 樂將歹單,恩未已,應詔 | Lè jiāng dǎi dān, ēn wèi yǐ, yìng zhào | The Music is About to End, But the [Imperial] Favor Never Wilt; Written on Command |
59. | 正陽堂宴勞凱旋 | Zhèng yáng táng yàn láo kǎi xuán | A Banquet in the Hall of True Solarity in Honor ofthe Victorious Homecoming of the Troops |
60. | 從齊武帝瑯跡城講武,應詔 | Cóng qí wǔ dì láng jì chéng jiǎng wǔ, yìng zhào | Accompanying the Ch'i Emperor Wu at the Lang-yeh Fortress for a Military Review; Written on Command |
Vertaling Mather 2003 p66-91
2.3 Gedichten die in harmonie zijn met die van anderen
Gedichten nrs 61-66
61. | 和竟陵王抄書詩 | Hé Jìnglíng Wáng chāo shū shī | Harmonizing with a Poem by the Prince of Ching-ling on Copying Texts |
62. | 奉和竟陵王郡縣名詩 | Fèng hé Jìnglíng Wáng jùn xiàn míng shī | Respectfully Harmonizing with a Poem by the Prince of Ching-ling on Names of Commanderies and Prefectures |
63. | 奉和竟陵王藥名詩 | Fèng hé Jìnglíng Wáng yào míng shī | Respectfully Harmonizing with a Poem by the Prince of Ching-ling on Names of Medicines |
64. | 和陸慧曉百姓名詩 | Hé Lù Huìxiǎo bǎi xìng míng shī | Harmonizing with a Poem by Lu Hui-hsiao on a Hundred Surnames |
65. | 奉和竟陵王經劉澈基詩 | Fèng hé Jìnglíng Wáng jīng Liú Chè jī shī | Respectfully Harmonizing with a Poem by the Prince of Ching-ling on Passing the Tomb of Liu Huan |
66. | 和劉雍州褚博山香爐詩 | Hé Liú Yōngzhōu Chǔ Bóshān xiānglú shī | Harmonizing with a Poem by Liu Hui, Governor of Yung Province, on a Po-shan Censer |
2.4 Gedichten die over objecten zingen
Gedichten nrs 67-100
67. | 庭雨應詔 | Tíng yǔ yìng zhào | Rain in the Courtyard: Responding to an Imperial Command |
68. | 詠虎 | Yǒng hǔ | Singing of a Transverse Flute |
69. | 詠竹檳榔盤 | Yǒng zhú bīnláng pán | Singing of a Bamboo Platter of Betel Nuts |
70. | 詠簷前竹 | Yǒng yán qián zhú | Singing of the Bamboos in Front of the Eaves |
71. | 翫庭柳 | Wán tíng liǔ | Enjoying the Courtyard Willows |
72. | 詠麥李 | Yǒng màilǐ | Singing of Wheat Plums |
73. | 詠桃 | Yǒng táo | Singing of Peach Trees |
74. | 詠青苔 | Yǒng qīng tái | Singing of the Azure Moss |
75. | 詠領邊繡 | Yǒng lǐng biān xiù | Singing of the Embroidery on the Side of Her Collar |
76. | 詠腳下履 | Yǒng jiǎo xià lǚ | Singing of the Sandals Underneath Her Feet |
77. | 詠新荷應詔 | Yǒng xīn hé yìng zhào | Singing of the Newly Sprouting Lotuses; By Imperial Command |
78. | 聽蟬鳴應詔 | Tīng chán míng yìng zhào | Listening to the Song of the Cicada; By Imperial Command |
79. | 詠笙 | Yǒng shēng | Singing of a Mouth Organ |
80. | 詠箏 | Yǒng zhēng | Singing of the Twelve-stringed Zither “On the Twelve-Stringed Zither” (Goh 2010 p33) |
81. | 詠山榴 | Yǒng shān liú | Singing of the Upland Pomegranate |
82. | 詠餘雪 | Yǒng yú xuě | Singing of Residual Snow |
83. | 詠帳 | Yǒng zhàng | Singing of the ["A"-] Tent |
84. | 侍宴詠反舌 | Shì yàn yǒng fǎn shé | In Attendance at a Banquet; Singing of a Mockingbird |
85. | 寒松 | Hán sōng | The Wintry Pine |
86. | 詠孤桐 | Yǒng gū tóng | Singing of the Lone Phoenix Tree |
87. | 詠梧桐 | Yǒng wú tóng | Singing of the Phoenix Tree |
88. | 園橘 | Yuán jú | The Garden Tangerines |
89. | 詠梨應詔 | Yǒng lí yìng zhà | Singing of Pears; By Imperial Command |
90. | 西地梨 | Xī dì lí | Pears from the West |
91. | 詠芙蓉 | Yǒng fú róng | Singing of the Lotus |
92. | 詠杜若 | Yǒng dù ruò | Singing of the Pollia |
93. | 詠鹿葱 | Yǒng lù cōng | Singing of the Hemerocallis, or "Deer Onion" |
94. | 甘蕉 | Gān jiāo | The Banana Tree |
95. | 詠菰 | Yǒng gū | Singing of the Wild Rice |
96. | 詠雪應令 | Yǒng xuě yìng lìng | Singing of the Snow: In Response to a Command |
97. | 詠湖中厲 | Yǒng xuě yìng lìng | Singing of the Wild Geese on the Lake |
98. | 大言應令 | Dà yán yìng lìng | Big Words; In Response to a Command |
99. | 細言應令 | Xì yán yìng lìng | Tiny Words; In Response to a Command |
100. | 詠竹火籠 | Yǒng zhú huǒ lóng | Singing of a Bamboo Censer |
2.5 Liefdesgedichten die niet in het yue-fu-genre vallen 101-110
Gedichten nrs 101-112
101. | 登高望春 | Dēng gāo wàng chūn | Climbing the Heights to Watch for Spring |
102. | 初春 | Chūchūn | In Imitation of an Old Poem |
103. | 古意 | Gǔ yì | In an Ancient Mode |
104. | 初春 | Chūchūn | EarlySpring |
105. | 春思 | Chūn sī | Spring Longing |
106. | 傷春 | Shāng chūn | Grieving Over Spring |
107. | 秋夜 | Qiū yè | Autumn Night |
108. | 早行逢故人,車中爲賜 | Zǎo xíng féng gùrén, chē zhōng wèi cì | Meeting My Old Love as I Set Out Early One Morning: Written and Presented to Her in My Carriage |
109. | 爲鄰人有懷不至 | Wèi lín rén yǒu huái bù zhì | Yearning for a Neighbor Who Does Not Come |
110. | 少年新婚爲之詠 | Shàonián xīnhūn wèi zhī yǒng | Song for a Young Man Newly Engaged to be Married |
111. | 夢見美人 | Mèng jiàn měirén | Seeing the Beloved in a Dream Een droom van de schone (Idema 2021 p226) |
112. | 六憶 | Liù yì | Six Recollections Zes herinneringen, vier gedichten (Idema 2021 p225) |
2.6 Afscheidsgedichten
Gedichten nrs 113-115
113. 送别友人 | Sòngbié yǒurén | Escorting and Parting From a Friend |
114. 餞謝文學離夜 | Jiàn xiè wénxué lí yè | Farewell Banquet for Literary Tutor Hsieh [T'iao], on the Eve of His Departure |
115. 别范安城 | Bié Fàn Ānchéng | Parting from Fan An-ch'eng Bij het afscheid van Fan Ancheng (idema 2021 p224) |
3. Gedichten uit de Tung-yang periode (493 - 494)
Gedichten nrs 116-143
116. Travelling to Take up my Post by the Chu-fang Road
117. Setting out Early From Mt. Ting
118. The Waters of the Hsin-an River Are Extremely Clear; Shallow or Deep, One Still Can See the Bottom: Dedicated to My Friends and Colleagues in the Capital
119. Wandering on Gold Floriate Mountain
120. Master of Red Pine Freshet
121. Climbing the Loft of Mystic Elation
122-129. Eight Songs
122. I Mount the Terrace, Gazing at the Autumn Moon
123. Meeting in the Garden, Facing the Spring Wind
124. At Year's End, Mourning for the Dying Plants
125. With Frost 's Arrival, Saddened by the Shedding Phoenix Tree
126. On Evening Walks, Hearing [the Cry of] the Night Crane
127. On Dawn Excursions, Listening to the Daybreak Swans
128. Untying Girdle Pendants and Departing Court and Marketplace
129. Donning the Coarse Cloth, Keeping Ward East of the Mountains
130. Boating on the Yung-k'ang River
131. The Return of Liu the Perfected to his Eastern Peak
132-137. Poems Presented to Liu Chi-lien, Grand Warden of Nan Commandery
132. With the Brilliant Virtue of the Mighty Han
133. Our Festive Outings
134. Separations and Reunions
135. As I Think Back Over my Life
136. In This Mountain Post
137. In Lofty Isolation at Your Frontier Post
138-142. Poems Presented to the Two Commissioners, Overseer[-aide] Shen and [Clerk of the] Bureau of Waterways Chiang
138. Our Two Mighty Clans
139. [You Two] Received Commissions
140. The Emperor Matches the Accomplished Ancestor
141. How Insignificant, This "Lowly Land"
142. I Lay Plans for the Journey
143. Bidding Farewell to the People on my Staff in Tung-yang on [the
Eve of] my Departure
4. Gedichten uit de regeerperiodes van keizer Ming en de markies van Tung-hun (494-501)
Gedichten nrs 144-149
144. | 直學省愁臥 | Zhí xué shěng chóu wò | Lying Down in Melancholy While Doing Night Duty in the Department of Studies |
145. | 行園 | Xíng yuán | A Walk in the Garden |
146. | 應王中丞思遠詠月詩 | Yìng Wáng Zhōngchéng sī yuǎn yǒng yuè shī | In Response to the Poem, "Singing of the Moon, " by Palace Aide, Wang Ssu-yüan |
147. | 酬謝宣城臥病詩 | Chóu Xiè Xuānchéng wò bìng shī | Responding to the Poem, "Lying Sick," by Hsieh [T'iao], Grand Warden of Hsüan-ch'eng |
148. | 石塘瀨聽猿 | Shí táng lài tīng yuán | Listening to the Gibbons at Stone Dyke Rapids Bij het horen van gibbons bij de stroomversnellingen van Stenenvijver (Idema 2021 p225); Listening to Gibbons’ Cries at Stone Dike Rapids (Goh, Meow Hui 2010 p31) |
149. | 秋晨篇怨望海思歸 | Qiū chén piān yuàn wàng hǎi sī guī | On an Autumn Morning, Suffering from Cabin Fever, I Gaze out to Sea and Long to Go Home |
5. Gedichten gecomponeerd na de oprichting van de Liang-dynastie (502-513)
Gedichten nrs 150-164
150. In Attendance at a Farewell Banquet at the Mansion of Hsieh Pei on the Eve of His Return to the East; In Response to an Imperial Order
151. In Attendance at a Banquet in the Happy Excursion Park to Send off [General] Lü Seng-chen: In Response to an Imperial Command
152. In Attendance at a Farewell Banquet for the Governor of Hsü Province [Ts 'ao Ching-tsung, on the Eve of his Departure to his Post]; in Response to an Imperial Command
153. During a Day Off, Expressing my Bosom Thoughts
154. Spending the Night in the Eastern Garden
155. Relaxing in my Suburban Garden: Harmonizing with Dharma Master [Shih Hui-]yüeh 's Poem, "Gathering Herbs",
156-164. Nine Poems Cherishing the Memory of Old Friends
156. Grieving for Li Kuei-chih
157. Grieving for Yü Kao-chih
158. Grieving for WangCh'en
159. Grieving for Wang Jung
160. Grieving for Hu Hsieh-chih
161. Grieving for Yü Yen
162. Grieving for Liu Feng
163. Grieving for Hsieh T'iao
164. Grieving for Wei Ching-yu
6. Religieuze gedichten en Liang-rituele hymnen
6.1 Religieuze gedichten (periode 480-510
Gedichten nrs 165-178
165. Harmonizing with a Poem by General of the [Left Palace] Guard, Wang [Seng-ch 'ien] on an Expository Lecture [on the Dharma]
166. The Four City Gates
167. The Fast of the Eight Prohibitions
168-169. Two Poems Harmonizing With a Poem on Transcendence by Clerk of the Central Secretariat Liu [Hui]
168. The Special Courtyard is Unreachable
169. In Clear Dawn Light We Set outfor the Mystic Island
170-171. Two Poems Harmonizing With Poems on Wandering in Transcendence by the Prince of Ching-ling
170. Undulating Gracefully, I Ride the Blood-red [Hornless Dragons]
171. At Dawn I Stop at Heaven's Gate Palace
172. In Response to [Clerk With] Comprehensive Duties K'ung T'i's Poem, "Yearning to Dweil on P'eng[-lai Island]
173. Harmonizing With [Clerk of the] Central Secretarial Wang Te-ch'ung's Poem on "The White Clouds"
174. Roaming to the Temple of the Taoist Priest Shen
175. In a Temple on Mt. Hua, Working for Merit on Behalf of the State and [Royal] Family
176. The Master of Hua-yang, [T'ao Hung-ching], Ascends his Loft Never to Come Down Again
177. Returning to my Garden Home; In Respectful Response to the Master of Hua-yang, [T'ao Hung-ching]
178. Respectfully Offered to [General of] Outer Troops Wang, [T'ao Hung-ching] of Hua-yang
6.2 Elegantiae for the liang court
Gedichten nrs 179-189
179-181. Emperor Songs
179. The Emperor 's Virtue
180. The Floriate Canopy
181. The Clear Forbidden Route
Purification Song
182. A Full-scale Celebration
Whole Victim Song
183. Reversion to the Root
Concordant Songs
184. The Vague-Impa/pabie
185. The Virtue of the Earth
186. Shining Virtue
Presentation Song
187. The Palace ofthe Spirits
Burnt Offering Songs
188. The Purple Palace
189. The Full Orchestra
6.3 Songs of ascent
Gedichten nrs 190-207
190. The Rising Sun
191. The Features of the Rite
192-193. Songs of Assent for the Northern Suburb
192. The Square Altar
193. Supreme is the Prime Nature of the K'un
194-198. Songs of Ascent for the Hall of Light
194. A Hymn Sung to the Azure God [of the East]
195. A Hymn Sung to the Vermilion God [of the South]
196. A Hymn Sung to the Yellow God [of the Center]
197. A Hymn Sung to the White God [of the West]
198. A Hymn Sung to the Black God [of the North]
199-205. Songs of Ascent for the Ancestral Temple
199. Your Accomplishment is High
200. The Yin Beginnings
201. The Ruler of the Hsia
202. The Sacrificial Elephant-pots
203. How Splendid!
204. To Hold the Mandate
205. The Sacrificial Ceremonies
206-207. Musical Songs for the Lesser [Ancestral] Temple
206. Dancing Song
207. A Song of Assent Elegantiae for the Triple Dawn
6.4 Hymns to be sung at banquets and archery contests
Gedichten nrs 208-226
208-210. Elegantiae for the Outstanding [Candidates]
208. When Officials are Appointed
209. Throw Wide the Eightfold [Portals] (M]~A:I)
210. Double Columns are Ascending Northwards; An Elegantia for the Imperial Heir
211. Ever Since Antiquity; An Elegantia for [Visiting] Dignitaries
212. No Rites are Violaled
213-215. Elegantiae for the Emperor's Birthday
213. Of the Hundred Blessings
214. A Long Life is Appropriate
215. The Hundred Flavors
216-223. Elegantiae While Waiting [for Meals]
216. Genuine Satisfaction
217. The Five Flavors
218. The Most Fertile [Products]
219. Among the Human Cravings
220. Those Having Bells Played
221. The Chef Performing his Official Duties
222. The One who Fully Tastes this Meal
223. Leading With Our Six-eared Stalks of Grain
224-226. Elegantiae While Clearing Away [the Dishes]
224. Shining Brilliantly on High
225. Our Leftovers are Ample
226. The Hundred Officers
6.5 Hymns of mutual harmony [between the rites and seasons]
Gedichten nrs 227-231
227-231. Airs on the Five Tones [of the Scale]
227. Introit on the Tone "Kung"
228. Introit on the Tone "Shang"
229. Introit on the Tone "Chüeh"
230. Introit on the Tone "Chih"
231. Introit on the Tone "Yü"
6.6. Liang fife and drum airs
Gedichten nrs 232-244
232. The Rule of Wood has Ended
233. Hsien-shou Mountain
234. The T'ung-po Mountains
235. [The Time] the Way was Lost
236. True Awesomeness
237. Eastward Flows the River Han
238. The [Yellow] Crane Loft is Towering High
239. The Lord of Darkness Gave Full Rein to Lewd Depravity
240. Stone Head Fortress
241. Time and Fate Have Come Together
242. How Majestic Are the Ruler and his Ministers
243. Hail to Great Liang
6.7. Liang dancing airs and songs
Gedichten nrs 244-251
Great Valor Dancing Song
244. High, High Above; Great Outlook Dancing Song
245. August Indeed, the Emperor 's Ardor; Hand-drum Dancing Songs; The Enlightened Ruler
246. Great Liang's Seven-hundred-year-long [reign]
247. "Dispensing with [the Need for] Punishments"
248. When the Rites Have Been Sustained
249. Leading the Army
250. To be Active is the Role of Ministers
251.Supreme Virtue is the Same as the Self-so
B. Overige werken
Gebaseerd op het overzicht van Wikisource.
史書 Shǐ shū - Historische boeken
宋書 | Sòng shū | Het Boek van de Song (opgenomen in de Wen Xuan) |
宋書謝靈運傳論 | Sòng shū Xiè Língyùn zhuàn lùn | Biografie van Xie Lingyun in het Boek van de Song vertaling van het nawoord in Mather 1988 p40-44 |
恩倖傳論 | Ēn xìng zhuàn lùn | Discussie over gunstelingen en favorieten |
俗說 | Sú shuō | Volksverhalen |
賦 Fù - Rhaposidie
麗人賦 | Lì rén fù | Fu over de mooie vrouw |
郊居賦 | Jiaoju fu | Fu on dwelling in the suburbs (Mather 1988 p175-213) |
文 Wén - Essays
奏彈王源 Zòu dàn Wáng Yuán Memorie tegen Wang Yuan
齊故安陸昭王碑文 Qí gù Ānlù Zhāo Wáng bēiwén Grafopschrift van koning Zhao van Anlu van Qi
爲武帝與謝朏敕 Wéi Wǔdì yǔ Xiè Fěi chì Keizerlijk edict voor Xie Fei van keizer Wu
沈約愿立言 Shěn Yuē yuàn lì yán Shen Yue wil een verklaring afleggen
Birrell 1982 heeft de volgende gedichten:
I climb high to look at spring
Wang Chao-chunüs Farewell
For a young bridegroom
Holding hands
The one I love
Night after night
The moon
The flute
I remember when she came
I remember when she sat
I remember when she ate
I remember when she slept
Embroidery on her collar
Slippers on her feet
Green, green riverside grass
Three wives
For nothing
I dream of a lovely woman
My inch of heart
Early spring
Literatuur en vertalingen
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Knechtgens, David R. (2014). Marriage and Social Status: Shen Yue’s 'Impeaching Wang Yuan'. In Wendy Swartz, Early Medieval China hst 10, pag. 166-175 *. Columbia University Press
Mather, Richard B. (2003). The Age of Eternal Brilliance Vol I-II: Three Lyric Poets of the Yung-ming Era (483-493). Brill. *
ISBN10: 9004120599
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