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坐忘論 Zuowang Lun
Zuòwàng lun
Engelse titel: Sitting in Oblivion / ''Treatise [on the Art] of Sitting and Forgetting
The title is a reference to the passage on the Fast of the Heart (xinzhai) in chapter 6 of the Zhuangzi. The expression zuowang has become synonymous with 'meditation' In 1026 Tianyin zi, by the same reputed author, the same term denotes the fourth and next to last stage prior to the deliverance of the spirit, or 'liberation through concentration'.
The Zuowang lun explains the principles of the practice of the Tao in seven parts. It advocates renunciation of the world and its luxuries and the adoption of a stoical attitude. Changes of fate should be accepted as inevitable and as sent from Heaven.
The longest section is the third, on the "concentration of the heart" (shouxin). This concentration leads to the "emptiness of the heart-mind:' which implies a total void: the mind should be free from any contingencies, even of "emptiness:' which still is a "place" (see 3b). The last section, devoted to "attaining the Tao" (dedao), makes a distinction between two kinds of"attainment": the more profound form produces an unchanging body, the body of the "divine humans" (shenren), who have a spiritual body when they are hidden and a spirit similar to qi when they manifest themselves. The more superficial attainment is that which gives the "deliverance through the corpse"; here it is only the heart that "obtains" wisdom. This wisdom, however, uses the body, which therefore remains subject to corruption. The concluding section is in fact an adaptation of Dongxuan lingbao dingguan jing zhu (DZ 400), an early Tang scripture, which further raises the problem of the authenticity of the Zuowan lun in its present form. (Isabelle Robinet in Schipper 2004 306-307)
Indeling tekst
De tekst bevat 7 hoofdstukken en een voorwoord.
De Engelse vertaling is van Livia Kohn
Preface by the Recluse Zhenjing
Author’s Preface
敬信 Jingxin - Respect and Faith
緣斷 Duanyuan - Interception of karma
收心 Shouxin - Taming the Mind
簡事 Jianshi - Detachment from Affairs
真觀 Zhenguan - Perfect Observation
泰定 Taiding - Stability of Cosmic Peace
得道 Dedao - Attaining Dao
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Boeken 1 tot 3 van de 3
Kohn, Livia (2010). Sitting in Oblivion. Three Pine Press. *
uitgebreide en herziene versie van Zuowang lun, Seven Steps to the Dao, 1987, Monumenta Serica
ISBN13: 978-1931483162
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Meyer, Jan de (2023). Daoïsme de mystieke traditie: Een bloemlezing. Boom. *
ISBN13: 978-9024442690
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Meyer, Jan, de (2015). De lege geest. In Michel Dijkstra, Inleiding taoistische filosofie hst 4, pag. 111-145 *. ISVW Uitgevers
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