列異傳 Lieyi Zhuan

列異傳 Lieyi Zhuan

Engelse titel: Arrayed Marvels

Lieyizhuan 列異傳 Arrayed Marvels by Cao Pi 曹3S (Wei Wen Di 魏文帝,187-226 c.e. [r. 220-226]) (Lyz)

Alternate name: Lieyiji 記. Fifty items recompiled by Lu Xun from quotations preserved in Six Dynasties commentaries and Tang and early Sung collectanea; Wang Guoliang has suggested deletions, additions , and other emendations to Lu Xun's listing . The text was lost in the Sung.

Among the fifty quotations culled by Lu Xun (and the two ad­ ditional ones located by Wang Guoliang), five contain internal dates later than 226 c.e. This does not prove, as some have claimed, that Cao Pi did not author the Lyz and that it is necessarily a late “for- gery5,; it does show that, as is the case with most other anomaly ac­ counts, items originally belonging to other texts were at some point misattributed to the Lyz. The items are highly narrativized and concern ghosts, gods, demons, transcendents, and cases of resusci­ tation and prophetic dreams. Comparison with the contents of pre­ ceding and subsequent texts reveals that Cao Pi (or whoever wrote the Lyz) drew on Ying Shao’s Fsty for material and on Liu Xiang’s Try7:andLieshizhuan 列士傳for material as well as stylistic models, and that Gan Bao, in turn, incorporated many Lyz items into his Ssj. Several Lyz items have been translated *. (Campany 1996 Strange Wrting p46)

* Lyz
14: Kao 1985,62-63;
23: Foster 1974,60-61,and Kao 1985, 56-58;
27: Foster 1974,28-29;
28 (one of the more famous anomaly tales), Bodde 1941,351-53, and Kao 1985,59-61;
31: Campany 1991a,30-31;
40: Foster 1974,54;
41: Kao 1985,58-59;
45: Kao 1985,61;
47: Foster 1974,
28. Quite a few Lyz items are closely paralleled in other collections.

Kao, Karl S. Y.,ed. 1985. Classical Chinese Tales of the Supernatural and
the Fantastic: Selections from the Third to the Tenth Century.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Foster, Lawrence C. 1974. “The Shih-i chi and its Relationship to the
Genre known as Chih-kuai hsiao-shuo.” Ph.D. diss., University of

Campany, Robert Ford, 1991a. “Ghosts Matter: The Culture of Ghosts in Six Dynasties Zhiguai:,CL 13:15-34.

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