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抱朴子 Baopuzi
Bào pǔ zi
Engelse titel: Master embracing simplicity / Book of the Master Who Keeps to Simplicity
auteur / toegeschreven aan: Ge Hong
Een Daoistische verhandeling van Ge Hong uit de Jin periode (265-425 na Chr.)
The reasons that prompted Ge Hong to write this famous treatise on the search
for immortality are given by the author himself. This work he characterizes as concerning matters pertaining to "the drugs and recipes for becoming immortal, the marvels and feats caused by demons and spirits, the lengthening of years through nurturing life, the [methods] for averting evil and warding off calamities belonging to the Taoist school (Daojia)."Written in the most accomplished parallel (pianti wen) style, it is undoubtedly thanks to its literary value that this work has been preserved.
Elsewhere in the book, Ge Hong reveals that his knowledge of Taoism was transmitted to him by his teacher Zheng Yin, a scholar who taught the esoteric arts of Taoism.
Juan 19 gives a vivid account of Ge Hong's studies under Zheng's guidance, as well as a list of the more than 200 books and sixty talismans he saw in Zheng's library, some of which he had been able to copy himself. Zheng Yin was the student of the famous magician at the Wu court, Ge Xuan, who was Ge Hong's granduncle, according to Ge Hong's own claims.
The book was written before the influx of refugees from the north was to profoundly change the culture and religion of the Jiangnan region where Ge Hong lived. Indeed, the Baopu zi neipian shows no acquaintance with the Way of the Heavenly Master (Tianshi dao), to which many of the aristocrats who immigrated from the north and founded the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420) belonged. This implies that the present work bears testimony to the traditions of the Taoism of the Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) as they survived in the south before the fall of Luoyang.
The value of the Baopu zi neipian as a source for our knowledge of early Taoism cannot be overestimated. Despite the marked partiality of the author for laboratory alchemy as the sole true method of obtaining immortality, all systems and methods of early Taoism are presented and discussed in detail. (Kristofer Schipper 2004, p70-71)
Indeling tekst
Engelse titels van Chinaknowledge
內篇 Neipian - Inner Chapters:
1. 暢玄 Changxuan - Defining the Mysterious
2. 論仙 Lunxian - About Immortals
3. 對俗 Duisu - Answering Questions about Popular Conceptions
4. 金丹 Jindan - Gold and Cinnabar (The Pill of Immortality)
5. 至理 Zhili - The Ultimate Order
6. 微旨 Weizhi - The Meaning of the Subtle
7. 塞難 Sainan - Countering Objections
8. 釋滯 Shizhi - Resolving Hesitations
9. 道意 Daoyi - The Meaning of the Way
10. 明本 Mingben - Enlightening the Origin (of difference between Confucians and Daoists)
11. 仙藥 Xianyao - The Medicine of Immortality
12. 辨問 Bianwen - Discerning Questions (why Confucians are not able to become immortal)
13. 極言 Jiyan - Words about the Extreme (immortality)
14. 勤求 Qinqiu - Diligent Search (for a teacher for immortality)
15. 雜應 Zaying - Miscellaneous Answers
16. 黃白 Huangbai - Gold and Silver (as medicine for immortality)
17. 登涉 Dengshe - Climbing (Mountains) and Crossing (Rivers)
18. 地真 Dizhen - The Terrestrial Truth
19. 遐覽 Xialan - Broad Overview (over Daoist literature)
20. 袪惑 Quhuo - Allaying Doubts
外篇 Waipian - Outer Chapters:
1. 嘉遯 Jiadun - In Praise of Eremitism
2. 逸民 Yimin - The Rusticating People
3. 勖學 Xuxue - Encouraging Study
4. 崇教 Chongjiao - Respecting Education
5. 君道 Jundao - The Way of the Ruler
6. 臣節 Chenjie - The Integrity of the Ministers
7. 良規 Lianggui - Good Regulations
8. 時難 Shinan - Averting Difficulties at the Right Time
9. 官理 Guanli - The Right Order among the Officials
10. 務正 Wuzheng - The Correct Use of Instruments
11. 貴賢 Guixian - Esteeming Wise People
12. 任能 Renneng - Employing the Able
13. 欽士 Qinshi - Respecting Well-Minded Subjects
14. 用刑 Yongxing - Employing Punishments
15. 審舉 Shenju - Examining Promotions
16. 交際 Jiaoji - Keeping Company
17. 備闕 Beique - Encountering Deficiencies
18. 擢才 Zhuocai - Promoting Talents
19. 任命 Renming - Employing Orders
20. 名實 Mingshi - Name and Reality
21. 清鑒 Qingjian - The Pure Mirror
22. 行品 Xingpin - Using Official Ranks
23. 弭訟 Misong - Ending Disputes
24. 酒誡 Jiujie - Adminishions on Alcohol
25. 疾謬 Jimiu - Pointing out Faults
26. 譏惑 Jihuo - Censuring Muddleheadedness
27. 刺驕 Cijiao - Criticizing Arrogance*
28. 百里 Baili - Hundred Miles
29. 接疏 Jieshu - Meeting Visitors*
30. 鈞世 Junshi - Equalizing Generations
31. 省煩 Shengfan - Decreasing Vexations
32. 尚博 Shangbo - Valuing Breadth of Learning
33. 漢過 Hanguo - The Faults of Han
34. 吳失 Wushi - The Failings of Wu
35. 安塉 Anji - Guarding Barren Land*
36. 安貧 Anpin - Content with Poverty*
37. 仁明 Renming - Benevolence and Brilliance
38. 博喻 Boyu - Extensive Analogies*
39. 廣譬 Guangpi - Vast Examples*
40. 辭義 Ciyi - Writings and Ideas
41. 循本 Xunben - Abiding by Basics*
42. 應嘲 Yingchao - Responding to Ridicule*
43. 喻蔽 Yupi - Clarifying Obscurities
44. 百家 Baijia - The Hundred Schools
45. 文行 Wenxing - Cultivated Behaviour
46. 正郭 Zheng Guo - Correcting Guo (Tai)
47. 彈禰 Tan Ni - Accusing Ni (Heng)
48. 詰鮑 Jie Bao - Bao (Jingyan)
49. 知止,窮達,重言 Zhizhi, Qiongda, Chongyan
50. 自敘 Zixu - Autobiography and postface
class="open-noot noot"* titels van Wikipedia 30-10-23
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Sailey, Jay (1978). The master who embraces simplicity: a study of the philosopher Ko Hung, A.D. 283-343.
ISBN10: 0896445224
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Ware, James R. (1966). Alchemy, Medicine, Religion in the China of A.D. 320: Ten Nei P'ien of Ko Hung (Pao-p'u Tzu). MIT Press. *
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