觀無量壽經 Guan wuliangshou jing (Amitayurdhyana Sutra T365)

觀無量壽經 Guan wuliangshou jing (Amitayurdhyana Sutra T365)

Guān wúliàngshòu jīng
Engelse titel: Sutra on the Visualization of the Buddha of Infinite Life

De 觀無量壽經 Guan wuliangshou jing is een van de drie geschriften van de 'pure land' stroming, de Jingtu sanbu jing

According to tradition, it was translated into Chinese by a monk named Kalayashas between 424 and 442 AD. However, it is generally considered by modern scholarship to be apocryphal, a composition originally written in Chinese.

Shakyamuni [boeddha] explains the importance of performing certain meritorious acts in order to be reborn in the Pure Land. He then goes on to teach Vaidehi how to visualize the Pure Land, to further her efforts in attaining rebirth there. Shakyamuni describes thirteen "contemplations," or mental visualization exercises, that are to be followed in order. By deeply contemplating various aspects of the Pure Land and attempting to visualize them in detail, the aspirant draws closer to the Pure Land. (wikipedia)

Amitayus Meditation Sūtra

Indeling tekst

The thirteen contemplations are described in order as follows (wikipedia)

Contemplation of the setting sun
Contemplation of an expanse of water
Contemplation of the ground in the pure land
Contemplation of trees in the pure land
Contemplation of ponds in the pure land
Contemplation of various objects in the pure land
Contemplation of the lotus throne of the Buddha
Contemplation of the image of Amitābha
Contemplation of Amitābha himself
Contemplation of Avalokiteśvara
Contemplation of Mahasthamaprapta
Contemplation of the aspirants to the pure land
Contemplation of Amitābha and the two bodhisattvas

Online informatie:

Wikipedia: Amitayurdhyana Sutra (engels)

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Inagaki, Hisao (2003). The three pure land sutra's. Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. *

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