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般若波羅蜜多心經 Bore boleomi duo xinjing (heart sutra)
Bōrě bōluómì duō xīnjīng
Engelse titel: Heart Sutra
Voluit: 般若波羅蜜多心經 Bōrě bōluómì duō xīnjīng - The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Bushwell); in Sanskriet Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya (T251)
De hart soera is een klein geschrift, 260 karakters lang.
The Heart Sutra (Skt. Hṛdayasūtra) is one of the most important texts within the Sanskrit Mahayana textual tradition. It is said to present the heart, or the essence, of the Prajnaparamita teachings, which are the definitive teachings on the Mahayana view of the interdependent nature of reality.
"Heart Sutra" is a translation of the Sanskrit term Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya, which more fully translates to “The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.” Along with the Diamond Sutra, it is the most famous representative of the Prajñāpāramitā (Perfection of Wisdom) section of the Mahayana Buddhist canon. The sutra has been translated into English from Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Chinese canonical sources and exists in both a long and a short form—the short version consisting, incredibly, of only fourteen lines of Sanskrit or 260 Chinese characters.
The Prajnaparamita teachings as a whole comprise a large corpus of literature, including sutras of great length, and many commentaries by great masters of India, East Asia and Tibet. These teachings are revered within the Mahayana tradition as representing the highest, most subtle view of the nature of reality. The Heart Sutra, which is no more than a page in length, presents an essential summary of this view.
The Heart Sutra is the most well-known and most commonly recited Mahayana Sutra, particularly in East Asia, where it is common for monks and lay practitioners to recite the Heart Sutra daily. Thubten Jinpa writes: “Even today, the chanting of this sutra can be heard in Tibetan monasteries, where it is recited in the characteristically deep overtone voice, in Japanese Zen temples, where the chanting is done in tune with rhythmic beating of a drum, and in Chinese and the Vietnamese temples, where it is sung in melodious tunes.” (encyclopedia of Buddhism)
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