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Hoofdstuk 33. 天下 Tianxia - Alles onder de hemel
Thema van dit hoofdstuk
Tekstlaag: Syncretisten (Graham). Huang-Lao school (Liu)
Chen, Guying (2016) Van binnen een heilige en van buiten een koning.
The Tianxia chapter reveals many different important details and facts. First, the chapter is a very early writing of Chinese ancient philosophy. Second, it demonstrates that the highest learning lies in exploring the origin of the cos- mic and the human life. Here, this is called “art of the dao” (daoshu 道术). Regarding its substance, it reaches conclusions similar to those reached by “philosophy” (zhexue 哲学) in its modern form. Third, it explores the topic of being “inwardly a sage and outwardly a king” for the first time and posits this state of being as the highest ideal for a scholar’s personality. This sublime idea was accepted by every school of thought in more recent periods and it became a common and desirable goal for philosophers in the past.
Fourth, since it is a part of the earliest ancient philosophy, it is a philosophi- cal position which has been reviewed in every school of thought since Laozi. It preserves the lost theories and ideas of Hui Shi, Gong Sunlong, and others. The comments on the various schools of thoughts all belong to the Daoist School, except for a few belonging to the Mohist school and the School of Logicians. Laozi and Zhuangzi are known by the common people, since they are the representative figures of Daoism, but Song Xing 宋鈃, Yinwen 尹文, Peng Meng 彭蒙, Tian Pian 田骈, and Shen Dao 慎到 all belong to the lesser known Huanglao 黄老 school in the Zhanguo Period. Therefore, we may say that the Tianxia chapter is the earliest philosophical treatise about the core ideas of Daoism. (Chen 2016 p217)
Vertalingen van de titel
NL - Alles onder de hemel (S)
EN - The World (W) - The Whole World (Z) - All Under the Heavens (R) - Below in the empire (G)
DE - Unterm Himmel (K)
FR - Ainsi le monde ou Les écoles au temps de Maître Tchouang (L)
Korte typering paragrafen
Het hoofdstuk heeft 2.700 Chinese karakters en telt 10 paragrafen
paragraaf I Schipper pag. 415De methode van Tao
paragraaf II Schipper pag. 415-416paragraaf III Schipper pag. 416-417
De Confucianistische school
paragraaf IV Schipper pag. 417-418De honderd scholen
paragraaf V Schipper pag. 418-419Mo Di en zijn school
paragraaf VI Schipper pag. 420-422Song Xing en zijn school
paragraaf VII Schipper pag. 422-423Peng Meng, Tian Peng, Shen Dao en hun school
paragraaf VIII Schipper pag. 424-426Lao Zi, Yin de Wachter van de Bergpas en hun school
paragraaf IX Schipper pag. 426-427Zhuang Zi en zijn school
paragraaf X Schipper pag. 427Hui Zi en zijn school
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