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Hoofdstuk 31. 漁父 Yu Fu - De oude visser
Thema van dit hoofdstuk
Tekstlaag: Yangisten (Graham), Anarchisten (Liu)
"In this story the fisherman symbolises the genuine, which is identified as the true feeling, whether of joy, grief, anger, love, which is so easily submerged by Confucian ritualism. The genuine is also a Taoist concept; but, granted that Taoism never wholly repudiated the passions in the manner of Buddhism, the positive value ascribed to the passions here seems alien to the rest of the book.
The writer, whoever he may have been, is a remarkable literary innovator, who took the historic step from narrative as summary to narrative as scene almost at one bound." (p248)
Chen: “By Truth I Mean Purity and Sincerity in Their Highest Degrees”
“Yu Fu” is a hermit who has attained the dao and explains to Confucius: “By embittering his mind and exhausting his body, he imperils his true (nature).” He teaches that one should be careful in cultivating oneself and also how one should go about preserving one’s true nature; he makes every man and every object return to nature. Mainly, he expounds the idea of “preserving the truth.” (Chen p 212)
Vertalingen van de titel
NL - De oude visser
EN - The Old Fisherman (W, G, C, Z, G, R)
DE - Der alte Fischer (K)
FR - La vieux pêcheur ou La Lecon de de bienséance (L)
Korte typering paragrafen
Het hoofdstuk heeft 1.540 Chinese karakters en telt 1 paragraaf
paragraaf I Schipper pag. 398-405Confucius en de oude visser
Overzicht dialogen
Het hoofdstuk kent 1 dialoog.
1. Zigong en Zilu spreken met de oude visser --> Confucius en de oude visser --> Zilu en Confucius (hst. 31-I pag. 398-405)Literatuur
Hieronder kunt u een selectie maken van de verschillende publicatievormen en de taal. Ik beperk me tot vier taalgebieden (Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits). De meeste literatuur is overigens engelstalig. U kunt bij teksttype ook apart de vertalingen selecteren en U kunt desgewenst ook een specifieke auteur zoeken.
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Thompson, Kirill Ole (1998). What Is the Reason of Failure or Success? The Fisherman's Song Goes Deep into the River: Fishermen in the Zhuangzi. In Roger T. Ames, Wandering at ease in the Zhuangzi Hst 1 *. SUNY Press
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