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Hoofdstuk 29. 盜跖 Dao Zhi - Rover Voetpad
Thema van dit hoofdstuk
Tekstlaag: Yangisten (Graham), Anarchisten (Liu)
Chen Guying: Robber Zhi: “For the Sake of Gain They All Brought Confusion to the Truth within Them and Did Violence to Their True Form and Innate Nature”
Robber Zhi is the name of a great robber. The main point of the present chapter is to attack the norms of the Confucian ethical code and scholars of shallow
learning; in contrast to the principles inherent in Confucian ethics and adhered to by scholars of shallow learning, the text values natural inertia.
Het hoofdstuk bestaat uit drie delen (paragrafen):
I - The first part criticizes the Confucians
II - The second part is the dialogue between Zi Zhang 子张 and Man Goudei 满苟得, which criticizes the Confucian feudalist order of importance in human relationships, on the one hand, and advocates a behavioral code, under which scholars may follow their spontaneous innate nature, on the other hand.
III - The third part is composed of a multi-part dialogue between Wuzu 无足 (“Never—Enough”) and Zhihe 知和 (“Sense of Harmony”), who criticize the upper class for “coveting power” and “hankering after money”; they pass their days “seeking reputation and praise” and “causing harm to their innate nature.” On the contrary, the dialogue asserts the necessity of a quiet and carefree life in harmony. (Chen p209)
Vertalingen van de titel
NL - Rover Voetpad (S)
EN - Robber Zhi (W,Z,G,R)
DE - Dao Zhi, der große Räuber (K)
FR - Le brigand Tchö ou Saints et assassins (L)
Korte typering paragrafen
Het hoofdstuk heeft 3.100 Chinese karakters en telt 3 paragrafen
paragraaf I Schipper pag. 378-385Confucius en Rover Voetpad
paragraaf II Schipper pag. 386-389paragraaf III Schipper pag. 389-392
Overzicht dialogen
Het hoofdstuk kent 3 dialogen.
1. Confucius spreekt met Liuxia Ji over Rover Voetpad --> Confucius en Rover Voetpad (hst. 29-I pag. 378-385)2. Zishang stelt vraag aan Hebbesman (hst. 29-II pag. 386-389)
3. Nooitgenoeg spreekt met Harmoniebesef (hst. 29-III pag. 389-392)
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