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春秋 左傳 Chunqiu Zuo Zhuan - Commentaar van Zuo
Chūnqiū Zuǒshìzhuán [Ch'un ch'iu Tso chuan]
Engelse titel: Zuozhuan - Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals
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Indeling tekst
Het boek is ingedeeld in 12 hoofdstukken.
01 隱 公 Book I Duke Yin
02 桓 公 Book II Duke Huan
03 莊 公 Book III Duke Zhuang
04 閔 公 Book IV Duke Min
05 僖 公 Book V Duke Xi
06 文 公 Book VI Duke Wen
07 宣 公 Book VII Duke Xuan
08 成 公 Book VIII Duke Cheng
09 襄 公 Book IX Duke Xiang
10 昭 公 Book X Duke Zhao
11 定 公 Book XI Duke Ding
12 哀 公 Book XII Duke Ai
Online informatie:
Wikipedia: Commentaar van mijnheer ZuoEncyclopedia of buddhism: HuiyuanChinese Text Project (Chinese tekst) (Vertaling James legge)Ulrich Theobald's Chinaknowledge Chunqiu-ZuozhuanXwomen: Chunqiu Zuo Zhuan (vertaling James Legge overgezet naar Pinyin door Andrew Miller)Internet Archive: Chun Tsew with Tso Chuen, James Legge Vol 5 part II (originele editie)Literatuur en vertalingen
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Boeken 1 tot 12 van de 12
Auken, Newell Ann Van (2016). The Commentarial Transformation of the Spring and Autumn. SUNY Press. *
ISBN13: 978-1438462998

Boltz, William G. (1990). Notes on the textual relation between the Kuo yü and the Tso chuan. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 53 (3), pag. 491-502. *.
Durrant, Stephan (2020). The Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan Reader: Selections from China's earliest Narrative History. University of Washington Press.
Vertaling Stephen Durrant, Wai-yee Li and David Schaberg
ISBN13: 978-0295747750
Meer informatie...
--- (2016). Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan: Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals: Volume I. University of Washington Press.ISBN13: 978-0295999159
Meer informatie...

Gibas, Piotr Pawel (2009). Waiting for the Unicorn: Perception of Time and History in Early Chinese Writings. *
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Nylan, Michael (2015). Lots of Pleasure but Little Happiness. Philosophy East and West, Vol. 65 (1) , pag. 196-226. *.
Pines, Yuri (2002). Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period, 722-453 B.C.E.. University of Hawaii Press. *
ISBN13: 978-0824823962
Meer informatie...
Pines, Yuri & Kern, Martin, redactie (2023). Zuozhuan and Early Chinese Historiography. *
Meer informatie...

Schaberg, David (1995). Foundations of Chinese Historiography: Literary Representation in Zuo Zhuan and Guoyu. *

Vogelsang, Kai (2011). From Anecdote to History: Observations on the Composition of the Zuozhuan. Oriens Extremus (OE), Vol. Vol 50 *.
Watson, Burton (1989). The Tso Chuan (reprint): selections from China's oldest narrative history. Columbia University Press.
ISBN13: 978-0231067157

Zheng, Xiucai (2012). A Comparison of the Representations of Women in Zuozhuan and Shiji. *
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