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引書 Yinshu
Engelse titel: Pulling book
Yinshu (The Pulling Book) is the earliest extant treatise on the Chinese tradi- tion of daoyin (guiding and pulling), dating to the second century BCE. From Yinshu we know that the art of daoyin was not simply a therapy for illness, but an integral part of a regimen designed to strengthen the body – a regimen which adjusted personal hygiene, grooming, exercise, diet, sleep and sexual be- haviour to the changing qualities of the four seasons. It is one of two medical manuscripts to be excavated from tomb 247 at the Jiangling, Zhangjiashan site in Hubei which was excavated in 1983/4. (...)
The first description of the contents of the Zhangjiashan bamboo manuscripts appeared in 1985. Unusually a register in the tomb listed the manuscripts among the burial goods. Along with the medical manuscripts there were documents relating to judicial matters, administration, military strategy and mathematical calculations. A transcript of Maishu ‘The Channel Book’, the other medical manuscript to be found in the tomb, was published in 1989 and that of Yinshu ‘The Pulling Book’ in 1990. (Vivienne Lo 2014)
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Livia Kohn geeft een uitgebreide samenvatting van de tekst in Kohn 2008 Chinese healing Exercises. p41-62
Vivienne Lo geeft een vertaling in haar dissertatie uit 1998, maar werkt deze verder uit in een nieuwere uitgebreide vertaling met commentaar in haar 'How to do the Gibbon Walk' uit 2014.
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Engelhardt, Ute (2001). Daoyin Tu and Yinshu: Neue Erkenntnisse über die Übungen zur Lebenspflege in der frühen Han-zeit. *.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2009). Outward Form (xing) and Inward Qi: The 'Sentimental Body' in Early Chinese Medicine. Early China, Vol. 32, pag. 103-124. *.
Kohn, Livia (2008). Chinese Healing Exercises: The Tradition of Daoyin. University of Hawaii Press. *
ISBN13: 978-0824832698
Meer informatie...

Krijgsman, Rens (2018). An Inquiry into the Formation of Readership in Early China: Using and Producing the *Yong yue ?? and Yinshu ?? Manuscripts. *.
Lo, Vivienne (2014). How to do the Gibbon Walk. *
ISBN13: 978-0954677121
Ook online.

Meer informatie...

Yang, Dolly (2018). Prescribing Guiding and Pulling: The institutionalisation of therapeutic exercise in Sui China (581618 CE). *
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