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鹽鐵論 Yan Tie Lun - Zout en IJzer
Yán tiě lùn [Yen t'ieh lun]
Engelse titel: Discourses on Salt and Iron / Salt and Iron Debates
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Debat vond plaats in 81 voor christus. De compilatie van de tekst is tot stand gekomen gedurende de regeerperiode van Hsuan ti (74-49 v Chr)
Indeling tekst
Het boek bestaat uit drie gedeelten:
hoofdstukken 1-41: het formele debat
hoofdstukken 42-59: de vervolgdiscussies
hoofdstuk 60: nawoord van Huan Kuan
De hoofdstukken-indeling van de Nederlandse vertaling wijkt af van het origineel.
Hieronder wordt de Engelse vertaling van Chinaknowledge gevolgd.
01 本議 Benyi - The basic argument
02 力耕 Ligeng - Hold fast the plough
03 通有 Tongyou - Circulation of goods
04 錯幣 Cuobi - Discordant currencies
05 禁耕 Jingeng - Hindrance to farming
06 復古 Fugu - Back to ancient truths
07 非鞅 Fei Yang - In criticism of Shang Yang
08 晁錯 Chao Cuo - Chao Cuo
09 刺權 Ciquan - Taunting the puissant
10 刺復 Cifu - Thrust and parry
11 論儒 Lunru - Discoursing on Confucians
12 憂邊 Youbian - Frontiers, the great concern
13 園池 Yuanchi - Parks and ponds
14 輕重 Qingzhong - The ratio of production
15 未通 Weitong - Undeveloped wealth
16 地廣 Diguang - Territorial expansion
17 貧富 Pinfu - The poor and the rich
18 毀學 Huixue - Vilifying the learned
19 襃賢 Baoxian - Extolling the worthy
20 相刺 Xiangci - Mutual recriminations
21 殊路 Shulu - How ways diverge
22 訟賢 Songxian - Impeaching the worthy
23 遵道 Zundao - Pursuing the way
24 論誹 Lunfei - Assertions and aspersions
25 孝養 Kaoyang - Filial piety and filial support
26 刺議 Ciyi - Cutting exchanges
27 利議 Liyi - Shrill polemics
28 國疾 Guoji - On national ills
29 散不足 Sanbuzu - Luxurious life leading to insufficiencies
30 救匱 Jiukui - Remedies for deficiency
31 箴石 Qianshi - The diagnostics stone for government
32 除狹 Chuxia - On escaping narrowmindedness
33 疾貪 Jitan - Taking corruption seriously
34 後刑 Houxing - The minor importance of the penal law
35 授時 Shoushi - Observing the seasons
36 水旱 Shuihan - Flood and drought
37 崇禮 Chongli - Holding high the rituals
38 備胡 Beihu - On preparedness against the steppe peoples
39 執務 Zhiwu - Holding high the most important tasks
40 能言 Nengyan - Talking about matters without completing them
41 取下 Quxia - On the fairness to taxe taxes from those below
42 擊之 Jizhi - Making war against the steppe peoples
43 結和 Jiehe - Concluding peace with the steppe peoples
44 誅秦 Zhu Qin - About the failure of the Qin dynasty
45 伐功 Fagong - The advantage of expansionist politics
46 西域 Xiyu - The usefulness of the protectorate of the Western Territories
47 世務 Shiwu - The political challenges of the present age
48 和親 Heqin - Appeasement of the steppe peoples by marriage alliance
49 繇役 Yaoyi - On tax and corvée labour
50 險固 Xiangu - On border defense
51 論勇 Lunyong - About the use of military bravery
52 論功 Lungong - About the use of military force (i.e. gong 攻)
53 論鄒 Lun Zou - About Zou Yan's theory of governing the empire
54 論菑 Lunzi - About natural disasters (i. e. zai 災)
55 刑德 Xingde - Administration by the penal law and government by virtue
56 申韓 Shen Han - The doctrines of Shen Buhai and Han Fei
57 周秦 Zhou Qin - The government style of the Zhou and of that of the Qin dynasties
58 詔聖 Zhaosheng - Adhortation to follow the path of the Saints
59 大論 Dalun - Summary
60 雜論 Zalun - Miscellaneous notes to the book
Online informatie:
Wikipedia: Discourses on Salt and Iron (engels)Chinese Text Project (Chinese tekst)Xwomen: Discourses on Salt and Iron (Engelse vertaling hst 1-28 door Esson M. Gale, 1931, 1934)Ulrich Theobald's Chinaknowledge: YantielunLiteratuur en vertalingen
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Boeken 1 tot 3 van de 3
Levi, Jean (2010). Dispute sur le sel et le fer. Les belles lettres.
Bibliothèque chinoise No 2
ISBN13: 978-2251100029
Meer informatie...

Polnarov, Anatoly (2014). Diversity Disclosed: Hidden Heterogeneity among the Government Critics in the Yan tie lun ???. *
Ma Research Seminar
Walter, Georges (1982). Zout en Ijzer, Yantie lun: De kunst van het regeren. Dispuut tussen politici, wijzen en geleerden. Ank-Hermes. *
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