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尉繚子 Weiliaozi
Wèi liáo zi
Engelse titel: Master Wei Liao
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Indeling tekst
Onderstaande indeling is van Chinaknowledge
01 天官 Tianguan Heavenly offices
02 兵談 Bingtan Military discussions
03 制談 Zhitan Discussion of regulations
04 戰威 Zhanwei Combat awesomeness
05 攻權 Gongquan Tactical balance of power in attacks
06 守權 Shouquan Tactical balance of power in defense
07 十二陵 Shierling Twelve insults
08 武議 Wuyi Martial plans
09 將理 Jiangli The general as a law official
10 原官 Yuanguan The source of offices
11 治本 Zhiben Governing the foundation
12 戰權 Zhanquan Tactical balance for power in warfare
13 重刑令 Zhongxingling Orders for severe punishments
14 伍制令 Wuzhiling - Orders for the squads of five
15 分塞令 Fensailing - Orders for segmenting and blocking off terrain
16. 束伍令 Shuwuling - Orders for binding the squads of five
17. 經卒令 Jingzuling - Orders for regulating the troops
18. 勒卒令 Qinzuling - Orders for restraining the troops
19. 將令 Jiangling - Orders for the general
20. 踵軍令 Zhongjunling - Orders for the vanguard
21-22. 兵教上下 Bingjiao - Military instructions 1-2
23-24. 兵令上下 Bingling - Army orders 1-2
Literatuur en vertalingen
Hieronder kunt u een selectie maken van de verschillende publicatievormen en de taal. Ik beperk me tot vier taalgebieden (Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits). De meeste literatuur is overigens engelstalig. U kunt bij teksttype ook apart de vertalingen selecteren en U kunt desgewenst ook een specifieke auteur zoeken.
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Sawyer, Ralph D. (1993). The Seven Military Classics Of Ancient China. Basic Books.
ISBN10: 0813312280
Ook online.
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