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太素 Taisu
De Taishu was een complete en geannoteerde editie van de de twee grote teksten van Huang Di nee Jing: de Suwen en de Ling Shu
De tekst raakte in China verloren maar Japan bezat een kopie, die vervolgens weer deels verloren ging maar kon worden gereconstrueerd.
De Tai su is gecompileerd door 楊上善 Yang Shangshan [Yang Shang-shan]. Hij was, volgens Unschuld, probably born during the Sui or early Tang dynasty and died during the Tang dynasty. Sivin dateert de compilatie van de Taishu op 656 of later.
Tessenow has proposed the following hypothesis. The Tai su is a compilation that does not parallel the Su wen and the Jiu juan/Ling shu. Rather, it was a new compilation based exclusively on the contents of the Su wen and the Jiu juan/Ling shu.(Unschuld 2003 p29, 32, 39)
Indeling tekst
Unschuld geeft de volgende indeling.
Hij voegt eraan toe: Hence the following list of nineteen of the original twenty pian titles of the Tai su, as it was transmitted before Yang Shangshan’s rearrangement of its contents, has reemerged from the reconstruction of the fragments found in Japan. The twentieth title (referring to the twelfth pian) was lost, together with the five juan that are missing in the Japanese fragment (Unschuld 2003)
01. 攝生 - To maintain life
02. 陰陽 - Yin-yang
03. 人合 - Man's correspondences
04. 藏府 - Depots and palaces
05. 經脈 - Conduits and vessels
06. 輸穴 - Transportation holes
07. 營 衛氧 - Camp [qi] and protective qi
08. 身度 - Body measures
09. 診候 - Diagnosis
10. 證候 - Pathological conditions and signs
11. 設方 - To set up prescriptions
12. (Lost)
13. 九針 - The nine needles
14. 補瀉 - Supplementation and drainage
15 傷寒 - Harm caused by cold
16. 傷熱 - Harm caused by heat
17. 邪論 - On evil
18. 風論 - On wind
19. 氣論 - On qi
20. 雜病 - Various illnesses
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Sivin, Nathan (1998). On the Dates of Yang Shang-shan and the 'Huang-ti nei ching t'ai su'. International Society of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, Vol. 15, pag. 29-36. *.
Unschuld, Paul U. (2003). Huang Di nei jing su wen: Nature, Knowledge, Imagery in an Ancient Chinese Medical Text. University of California Press. *
ISBN10: 0520233220
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