列仙傳 Liexian Zhuan - Biografieën van de rangen der onsterfelijken

列仙傳 Liexian Zhuan - Biografieën van de rangen der onsterfelijken

Liè xiān chuán [Lieh-hsien chuan]
Engelse titel: Biographies of immortals / Biographies of Famous Immortals

auteur / toegeschreven aan: Liu Xiang

The work Liexian zhuan, probably of Later Han (25-220) date, can be regarded as the prototype of an extensive body of collected lives of immortals. In one way or another, all later works of this sort look back upon the Liexian zhuan as their ancestor and authentic nucleus. (Schipper 2004 p111)

The Liexian Zhuan, sometimes translated as Biographies of Immortals, is the oldest extant Chinese hagiography of Daoist xian "transcendents; immortals; saints; alchemists". The text, which compiles the life stories of about 70 mythological and historical xian, was traditionally attributed to the Western Han dynasty editor and imperial librarian Liu Xiang (77–8 BCE), but internal evidence dates it to the 2nd century CE during the Eastern Han period. The Liexian Zhuan became a model for later authors, such as Ge Hong's 4th century CE Shenxian zhuan ("Biographies of Divine Immortals"). (bron: wikipedia)

Kristofer Schipper geeft de volgende toelichting:
The present work is not mentioned in the Han shu, ''Yiwen zhi:' whereas the Biographies of Famous Women (Lienu zhuan) by the same author is given. According to the Sui shu) 'Jingji zhi', Liu Xiang, while editing the classics, started to write the Biographies of Famous Immortals, Famous Men, and Famous Women. The same source gives two editions of the Liexian zhuan, one in three juan, with eulogies (zan) added by Sun Chu (314-371), and another in two juan, with eulogies added by the Jin poet Guo Yuanzu. This latter version corresponds to the present work.

Yang Shoujing (1839-1915) and Yu Jiaxi (1883-1955) have pointed out that for reasons of style, place names, book titles, and so on, the present work must have been written in later Han times (A.D. 25-220), in imitation of Liu Xiang's Lienu zhuan. (Schipper 2004, p114)

Indeling tekst

赤松子 Chisongzi
甯封子 Ningfengzi
馬師皇 Mashi huang
赤將子輿 Chijiang Ziyu
黃帝 Huangdi
偓佺 Woquan
容成公 Rongcheng gong
方囘 Fang Hui
老子 Laozi
關令尹 Guanling yin
涓子 Juanzi
呂尙 Lü Shang
嘯父 Xiaofu
師門 Shimen
務光 Wu Guang
仇生 Chou Sheng
彭祖 Pengzu
卭疎 Qiong Su
介子推 Jiezi Tui
馬丹 Ma Dan
平常生 Pingchang sheng
陸通 Lu Tong
葛由 Ge You
江妃二女 Jiang fei er nü
范蠡 Fan Li
琴高 Qin Gao
冦先 Kou Xian
王子喬 Wang Ziqiao
幼伯子 Youbozi
安期先生 Anqi xiansheng
桂父 Guifu
瑕丘仲 Xiaqiu Zhong
酒客 Jiuke
任光 Ren Guang
蕭史 Xiao Shi
祝鷄翁 Zhuji weng
朱仲 Zhu Zhong
修羊公 Xiuyang gong
稷丘君 Jiqiu jun
崔文子 Cui Wenzi
赤須子 Chixuzi
東方朔 Dongfang Shuo
鉤翼夫人 Gouyi furen
犢子 Muzi
騎龍鳴 Qilongming
主柱 Zhuzhu
園客 Yuanke
鹿皮公 Lupi gong
昌容 Changrong
豀父 Gufu
山圖 Shantu
谷春 Guchun
陰生 Yinsheng
毛女 Maonü
子英 Ziying
服閭 Fu Lü
文賓 Wen Bin
商丘子胥 Shangqiu Zixu
子主 Zizhu
陶安公 Taoan gong
赤斧 Chifu
呼子先 Huzi Xian
負局先生 Fuju xiansheng
朱璜 Zhu Huang
黃阮丘 Huang Ruanqiu
女几 Nüji
陵陽子明 Lingyang Ziming
邗子 Hanzi
木羽 Mu Yu
玄俗 Xuan Su

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Campany, Robert Ford (2009). Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social memory in Early Medieval China. *
ISBN13: 978-0824833336

Meer informatie...

--- (2002). To live as long as heaven and earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong's traditions of Divine Transcendents. University of California Press. *
ISBN10: 0520230345

Meer informatie...

Eskildsen, Stephen (1998). Asceticism In Early Taoist Religion. SUNY Press. *

Kaltenmark, Max (1953). Le Lie-sien tchouan: biographies légendaires des immortels taoïstes de l'antiquité.
Herdruk 1987 Collège de France

Kirkova, Zornica (2016). Roaming into the Beyond: Representations of Xian Immortality in Early Medieval Chinese Verse. *
ISBN13: 978-9004311565

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