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韓非子 Han Feizi
Hán Fēizĭ [Han fei tzu]
Engelse titel: Master Han Fei
Deze tekst wordt gerekend tot de daoïstische canon (Daozang).
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Indeling tekst
Hieronder geven we de indeling van de Han Feizi in de vertaling van W.K. Liao uit 1939
Boek 1
01 初見秦 Chu jian Qin - The first interview with the king of Qin
02 存韓 Cun Han - On the preservation of the state of Han
03 難言 Nanyan - On the difficulty in speaking
04 愛臣 Aichen - On favourite ministers
05 主道 Zhudao - The Dao of the sovereign
Boek 2
06 有度 Youdu - Having regulations
07 二柄 Erbing - The two handles
08 揚權 Yangquan - Wielding the sceptre
09 八姦 Bajian - Eight villainies
Boek 3
10 十過 Shiguo - Ten faults
Boek 4
11 孤憤 Gufen - Solitary indignation
12 說難 Shuonan - Difficulties in the way of persuasion
13 和氏 Heshi - The difficulty of (Bian) He
14 姦劫弒臣 Jian que shi chen - Ministers apt to betray, molest or murder the ruler
Boek 5
15 亡徵 Wangzheng - Portents of ruin
16 三守 Sanshou - Three precautions
17 備內 Beinei - Guarding against the interior
18 南面 Nanmian - Facing the south
19 飾邪 Shixie - On pretensions and heresies
Boek 6
20 解老 Jielao - Commentaries on Laozi's teachings
Boek 7
21 喻老 Yulao - Illustrations of Laozi's teachings
22 說林上 Shuolin 1 - Collected persuasions A
Boek 8
23 說林下 Shuolin 2 - Collected persuasions B
24 觀行 Guanxing - Observing deeds
25 安危 Anwei - Safety and danger
26 守道 Shoudao - The way to maintain the state
27 用人 Yongren - How to use men
28 功名 Gongming - Achievement and reputation
29 大體 Dati - The principal features (of legalism)
Boek 9
30.內儲說上 Neichu shuo shang - Inner congeries of sayings:,The Upper series: Seven tacts
Boek 10
31 內儲說下 Neichu shuo xia - Inner congeries of sayings, The lower series: Six minutiae
Boek 11
32 外儲說左上 Waishu shuozuo 1 - Outer congeries of sayings, The Upper Left Series
Boek 12
33 外儲說左下 Waishu shuozuo 2 - Outer congeries of sayings, The Lower Left Series
Boek 13
34 外儲說右上 Waichu shuoyou 1 - Outer Songeries of Sayings, The Upper Right Series
Boek 14
35 外儲說右下 Waichu shuoyou 1-2 Outer congeries of sayings, The Lower Right Series
Boek 15
36 難一 Nan 1 - Criticisms of the ancients, Series One
37 難二 Nan 2 - Criticisms of the ancients, Series Two
Boek 16
37 難三 Nan 3 - Criticisms of the ancients, Series Three
37 難四 Nan 4 - Criticisms of the ancients, Series Four
Boek 17
40 難勢 Nanshi - A critique to the doctrine of position
41 問辯 Wenbian - Inquiring into the origin of dialectic
42 問田 Wentian - Asking Tian
43.定法 Dingfa - Deciding between two legalistic doctrines
44.說疑 Shuoyi - On assumers
45.詭使 Guishi - Absurd encouragements
Boek 18
46 六反 Liufan - Six contrarities
47 八說 Bashuo - Eight fallacies
48 八經 Bajing - Eight canons
Boek 19
49 五蠹 Wudu - Five vermin
50 顯學 Xianxue - Learned celebrities
Boek 20
51 忠孝 Zhongxiao - Loyalty and filial piety
52 人主 Renzhu - The lord of men
53.飭令 Shiling - Making orders trim
54 心度 Xindu - Surmising the mentality of the people
55 制分 Zhifen - Regulations and distinctions
Online informatie:
XWomen: Han Feizi (Chinese tekst met Engelse vertaling W.K. Liao 1939, 1959)Chinese Text Project (Chinese tekst)Wikipedia: Han Feizi (book) (engels)Wikipedia: Han Feizi (engels)Literatuur en vertalingen
Toelichting bij de literatuur
Burton Watson vertaalde 12 van de 52 hoofdstukken (Han Feizi Basic Writings 1964):
The Way of the Ruler (hst 5)
Of Having standards
The two handles (hst 7)
Wielding power (hst 8?)
The eight villainies (hst 9)
The ten faults (hst 10)
The difficulties of persuasion (hst 12)
Mr. Ho (hst 13?)
Precautions winthin the palace (hst 17?)
Facing South (hst 18)
The five vermin (hst 49)
Eminence in learning (hst 50?)
Sarah Queen 2013 vertaalde de hoofdstukken
Jie lao (hst 20)
Yu Lao (hst 21)
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Boeken 1 tot 14 van de 14

Bárcenas, Alejandro (2012). Xunzi and Han Fei on Human Nature. *.

Boesche, Roger (2005). Han feizi's legalism versus kautilya's Arthashastra. Asian Philosophy, Vol. Vol 15 nr 2 p157-172 *.
Goldin, Paul Rakita (2013). Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei. Springer.
Ook online.
Meer informatie...

Hutton, Eric L. (2008). Han Feizis Criticism of Confucianism and its Implications for Virtue Ethics. *.

Kim, Tae Hyun (2010). Other Laozi Parallels in the Hanfeizi: An Alternative Approach to the Textual History of the Laozi and Early Chinese Thought: Sino Platonic Papers Nr 199. *
Levi, Jean (1999). Han-Fei-tse, ou, le Tao du Prince: la stratégie de la domination absolue. Seuil.
ISBN13: 978-2020293723
Meer informatie...

Liao, W.K. (1959). The Complete works of Han Fei Tz?, volume II.
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Meer informatie...

Lundahl, Bertil (1992). Han Feizi: The man and the work (dissertation). Stockholms Universitetet.
Stockholm East Asian monographs no. 4
ISBN13: 978-9171530790
Meer informatie...

Queen, Sarah A. (2013). Han Feizi and the Old Master: A Comparative Analysis and Translation of Han Feizi Chapter 20, 'Jie Lao,' and Chapter 21, 'Yu Lao' . In Paul Rakita Goldin, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei, pag. 197-256 *. Springer
Tao, Jiang (2021). Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom . Oxford University Press. *
ISBN13: 978-0197611364
Meer informatie...
Watson, Burton (1964). Han Feizi: Basic Writings. Columbia University Press. *
ISBN10: 0231129696
Meer informatie...
--- (1964). Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun tzu and Han Fei Tzu. Columbia University Press. *Dit boek omvat de eerdere drie uitgegeven Basic Writings

Yang, Soon-ja (2010). The secular foundation of rulership: The political thought of Han Feizi and his predecessors. *
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Boeken 1 tot 14 van de 14