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清華簡 Qinghua jian
Qīnghuá jiăn
Engelse titel: Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts
Ook Tsinghua strips
In July 2008, through the donation of an alumnus,Tsinghua University rescued and received into its collection a mass of Warring States bamboo strips that had been smuggled out of China. This collection has become commonly known as the precious documents of the Tsinghua Bamboo Strips.They belong in age to the late middle of the Warring States Period, and they should have come from within the boundaries of what was then the state of Chu. The quantity of these bamboo strips has been arranged and calculated, and altogether they number 2,388 strips (including broken pieces). (Liu, Guozhong 2010 p8).
Indeling tekst
De handschriften worden gepubliceerd in de reeks:
清華大學藏戰國竹簡 Qinghua daxue cang Zhanguo zhujian
Volume 1 (2010)
尹至 Yinzhi
尹誥 Yingao (ook Xian you yi de 咸有一德)
程寤 Chengwu
保訓 Baoxun
耆夜 Qiye
金縢 Jinteng
皇門 Huangmen
祭公 Zhaigong
楚居 Chuju
Volume 2 (2011)
系年 Xinian (Historische tekst; bevat delen Zuo Zhuan)
Volume 3 (2013)
周公之琴舞 Zhou Gong zhi qinwu
說命 Yue ming
Volume 4 (2014)
Shubiao 數表 (ook算表 Suan biao )
Volume 5 (2015)
殷厚父 Houfu
封許之命 Feng Xu zhi ming - The command establishing Xu
命訓 Ming xun - The instruction on commands
逸周書 - Leftover Zhou documents;
湯處於湯丘 Tang chu yu Tang Qiu - Tang resided at Tang Mound
湯在啻門 Tang zai Di Men - Tang was at the Di Gate
Literatuur en vertalingen
Hieronder kunt u een selectie maken van de verschillende publicatievormen en de taal. Ik beperk me tot vier taalgebieden (Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits). De meeste literatuur is overigens engelstalig. U kunt bij teksttype ook apart de vertalingen selecteren en U kunt desgewenst ook een specifieke auteur zoeken.
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Allan, Sarah (2015). Buried ideas. SUNY Press. *
Bevat de volgende vertalingen: Tang Yú zhi dao (Guodian manuscript), Bao Xun (Qinghua manuscript), Rongchengshi en Zigao (Shanghai) manuscript.
ISBN13: 978-1438457772
Meer informatie...

Chen, Jie (2016). Origins of Numbers in Shifa of Tsinghua Bamboo Slip Manuscripts. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Vol. Vol 11 nr 2 p236-249 *.

Gren, Magnus Ribbing (2017). The Qinghua 'Jinteng' 金縢 Manuscript: What It Does Not Tell Us about the Duke of Zhou. In Martin Kern, Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy Hst 5 *. Brill
Liu, Guozhong (2016). Introduction to the Tsinghua Bamboo-Strip Manuscripts. Brill. *
Vertaling uit het Chinees door Christopher J. Foster en William N. French
ISBN13: 978-9004311275
Meer informatie...

samen met Li Xueqin.

Milburn, Olivia (2016). The Xinian: An ancient historical text from the Qinghua University collection of bamboo books. Early China, Vol. 39, pag. 53-109. *.
Pines, Yuri (2020). Zhou History Unearthed: The Bamboo Manuscript Xinian and Early Chinese Historiography. Columbia University Press.
verschijnt oktober 2020
ISBN13: 978-0231196628

Shaughnessy, Edward (2017). To punish the person: A reading note regarding an punctuation mark in the tsinghua manuscript ming run. Early China, Vol. 40, pag. 303-309. *.

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