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, (2005). Virtue Ethics, Old and New. Cornell University.
Abe, Hiroshi, redactie (2023). Environmental philosophy and East Asia: nature, time, responsibility. Routledge. *
ISBN13: 978-1032107806
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Addiss, Stephen (1993). Tao Te Ching. Hackett Publishing Company. *
samen met Stanley Lombardo
ISBN13: 978-0872202337
Ook online.
Adler, Joseph (2022). The Yijing: A Guide. Oxford University Press.
ISBN13: 978-0190072469
met vertaling van de Zhouyi plus de vleugels Xici zhuan, Shuogua zhuan, Zagua zhuan
ISBN13: 978-0231191241
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Ook online.--- (2014). Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi's Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi. SUNY Press. *
ISBN13: 978-1438451572
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Paper Workshop on Religious Diversity and Ecological Sustainability in China. --- (2002). Introduction to the Study of the Classic of Change (I-hsüeh ch’i-meng). *
Ook online.

Ai, Yuan (2015). review Zhan, Kang ??, Contested Notions on the Subjectivity in the Zhuangzi. Dao, Vol 14 p621-623
Allan, Sarah (2016). The Heir and the Sage: Dynastic Legend in Early China, Revised and Expanded Edition. SUNY Press. *
ISBN13: 978-1438462257
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--- (2015). Buried ideas. SUNY Press. *Bevat de volgende vertalingen: Tang Yú zhi dao (Guodian manuscript), Bao Xun (Qinghua manuscript), Rongchengshi en Zigao (Shanghai) manuscript.
ISBN13: 978-1438457772
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ISBN13: 978-1557290694 --- (1997). The Way of Water and Sprouts of Virtue. SUNY Press. *
ISBN13: 978-0791433850
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--- (1991). The Shape of the Turtle: Myth, Art, and Cosmos in Early China. SUNY Press. *Meer informatie...

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