Daoïsme en ecologisch denken

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Literatuur over relatie Daoïsme en ecologisch denken


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Abe, Hiroshi, redactie (2023). Environmental philosophy and East Asia: nature, time, responsibility. Routledge. *
ISBN13: 978-1032107806

Meer informatie...

Adler, Joseph (2012). 'The Great Virtue of Heaven and Earth 天地之大德': Deep Ecology in the Yijing 易經. *
Paper Workshop on Religious Diversity and Ecological Sustainability in China.

Barnhill, David, redactie (2001). Deep ecology and world religions: new essays on sacred grounds. *
Ook online.

Meer informatie...

Callicott, J. Baird, redactie (2014). Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought. SUNY Press.
ISBN13: 978-1438452012

Meer informatie...

Girardot, N.J., redactie (2001). Daoism and Ecology: Ways within a Cosmic Landscape. *
redactie N. J. Girardot, James Miller, Liu Xiaogan
ISBN13: 978-0945454304

Meer informatie...

Lai, Karyn L. (2014). Conceptual Foundations for Environmental Ethics: A Daoist Perspective.

Meyer, Jan, de (2015). Taoïsme en ecologie: Een brug naar onze tijd.

Miller, James (2017). China's Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future.
ISBN13: 978-0231175869

Meer informatie...

--- (2006). Daoism and Nature. *
In The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology edited by Roger Gottlieb.

Nelson, Eric S. (2023). Daoism, Practice, and Politics: From Nourishing Life to Ecological Praxis. Philosophy East and West, Vol. 73-3, pag. 792-801. *.

--- (2020). Daoism and environmental philosophy: Nourishing life. Routledge. *
ISBN13: 978-0367025144

Meer informatie...

Pang-White, Ann A. (2009). Nature, Interthing Intersubjectivity, and the Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Kant and Daoism. *.

Meer informatie...

Peerenboom, Randall P. (2014). Beyond Naturalism: A Reconstruction of Daoist Environmental Ethics. In J. Baird Callicott, Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought hst 8, pag. 119-134 *. SUNY Press

Song, Bing, redactie (2024). Gongsheng Across Contexts: A Philosophy of Co-Becoming. Palgrave Macmillan. *
(open access)
ISBN13: 978-9819973248
Ook online.

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